Thursday, July 15, 2021

Unidentified Feeling (Free-flowing entry)

July 15, 2021 Thursday

That's what I'd like to call what I have been feeling these days. No, it's not because I'm sick. I just happen to feel tired, not wanting to do anything, to the point that I think I am procrastinating at life.

There are days when I feel lazy. There are days when I just think a lot, but inasmuch as I would like to write down my thoughts like I used to when I was younger, I end up not doing it. 

I sometimes wonder what has happened to me (or what did I allow myself to happen) since this pandemic hit. I mean, I see a lot of well-adjusted people who, after about a few months, have 'settled' and 'harmonized' their lives with the 'new normal'. Me? I see myself nowhere near some of them. Then again, there's no point in comparing how I pace my life with others simply because each race is different.

And so I just find solace that I was able to open this page today after an eternity and once again put my thoughts into words.

I remember wanting to be better at chronicling so I revived this blog even though no one would probably take interest in this aside from me, but I fell for the 'ningas kugon' affliction - magaling sa umpisa.

Anyhow, to each his own, right? One baby step at a time. I am not yet good at thinking of what topic to write about, so I'll just let each entry be free-flowing.

I'm quite proud that I've written this much in a single entry. 😊

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